34a Central Road, Worcester Park, KT4 8HZ

Experienced CBT (CBT Renewal)

Experienced CBT Course

The experienced CBT course is aimed at those students who have a CBT certificate that has NOT expired.

Experienced CBT Course

  • Using Your Own Motorcycle?Price
  • Yes £190
  • No £190

Experienced CBT Prerequisites

You must be able to produce a valid CBT certificate that has not yet expired. Remember the certificate has a start date but no end date. It is valid for two years from the date of issue so, for example, a certificate that was issued on the 14th March 2015 would expire at midnight on the 13th March 2017. (Students that took their CBT with us after January 1st 2014 do not have to worry about producing their certificate as we can check your details on our database.)

If you discover your CBT certificate has expired, then you will have to go through the CBT process again and do the full day course.

If you arrive on the day of your course with own motorcycle (geared or automatic) along with a valid MOT certificate, and insurance documents. We will check that the road tax has been paid on the motorcycle you bring.

You also need to bring your driving license and your national insurance number.

If you do not currently have your own motorbike, then we can provide you with a school motorbike, but at an additional £15 above the price quoted below.

Experienced CBT Content
The experienced CBT normally lasts about five/six hours and consists of all the elements of the CBT but at a much faster pace.

Your instructor will also expect a much higher standard of riding than they would for a normal CBT and will be considerably more critical during debriefs.

  • Your instructor will get you to do an eyesight check.
  • Your instructor will discuss with you the need to take your motorcycle theory and go on to pass your DVSA motorcycle test.
  • You will have a brief Q&A session on protective clothing if your instructor can see that you are not wearing suitable motorcycle clothing.
  • Your instructor will look over your motorcycle and get you to do the daily BOLTS check to show that your motorcycle is safe to ride.
  • You will then be taken down to our off road training area and perform the various exercises that you would do during a normal CBT.
  • You will have another Q&A session in regard to riding your motorcycle safely out on the road and a few questions pertaining to the highway code. This will be performed back at the office.
  • You will then be provided with a radio and taken for a minimum of a two-hour road ride.
  • When you get back to the office, your instructor will discuss any issues that have manifested themselves during the ride that they were not able to get you to correct.

Finally, you will again be requested to seriously consider taking your DVSA motorcycle test and the reasons as to why this is such an important part of being safe out there riding on the road.

Experienced CBT Outcome

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